Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 31 Blood Drive: Location Update

The location of the Blood Drive will be at 219 W. Friendly Ave, a recently acquired and renovated building Elon has purchased.  The 219 address does have its own parking area.

A few volunteers to help the Red Cross with registration might be needed as well as snack foods-- like cookies, crackers, soda, etc.--for those who have given  We're also sponsoring a bone marrow drive on that day which will be held in the main building of the law school in the commons area of the second floor.  If you can help out with your time or snacks, contact Jessica at jarmentrout2@elon.edu or by phone at  (336) 687-6387.

This year, the GBA is teaming up with Elon Law School to sponsor the American Red Cross Blood Drive in conjunction with the Be the Match Bone Marrow Drive.  We hope to get record participation from the Greensboro Bar members this year, so come on out and donate!  (And, by the way, you aren't actually donating bone marrow - just DNA to see if you are a match to someone needing bone marrow!)

When:     October 31, 2012
               10:00am - 2:00pm

Where:    219 West Friendly Avenue

Why:       Because there is a need!!

HOW:      To schedule an appointment, go to redcrossblood.org and click on "Schedule an Appointment" and enter sponsor code 14640. Walk-ins are also welcome!