Thursday, January 03, 2013

Mentor Wanted for Mock Trial Team at Smith H. S.

Recently a new team at Smith High School in Greensboro has requested an attorney advisor.

In mock trial, teams of 7-8 students analyze a fact pattern and take on the roles of student attorneys and witnesses to compete in a trial in actual courtrooms, scored by attorneys and judges. Each team has a teacher-coach, and we help recruit an attorney advisor for the team. The attorney mentors the students, helping them to understand the legal principles involved in the case, proper courtroom decorum, arguing objections using a modified version of the FRE, etc.

Attorneys usually meet with the teams 3 - 4 times during the fall, and then may meet 2-4 times in January as the Regional competition (Feb. 9) nears. The timing and number of meetings can vary depending upon the interest and ability of the attorney.

Our website ( ) contains a great deal of information about the overall program as well as the competition case, competition rules, and other resources. This year's case is a personal injury case involving a soccer student who suffered long-term effects after sustaining multiple sports-related concussions. 

For more information-- revised Teacher Resource Manual, "Suggestions for Attorney Advisors," NCAJ newsletters--or to volunteer, contact  Sue Johnson, MPH, NCCP, CP, Program Coordinator, Carolina Center for Civic Education via email ( or phone at 919-360-0848.