Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Elon Law School - Moot Court Competition - April 5 and 6
From Elon Law:
We are very excited to host the third annual Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition this spring. This competition honors three of North Carolina’s former Chief Justices for their significant contributions to the state’s judiciary, legal profession and public life. We are excited to have 35 teams from 24 law schools across the country competing this year. Your assistance as a judge for the oral argument rounds is crucial to the success of the competition and would be most appreciated.
There are oral argument rounds scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6. We would ask, if possible, that you judge two (2) hour-long rounds. If you can only judge one round or if you could judge more than two, we would appreciate that as well. We will provide a judges’ suite with refreshments and meals, and we request that each judge arrive at least fifteen minutes before his or her scheduled round.
Our Moot Court Board and faculty will be thrilled to have you here, and your participation will enrich the competitors’ learning experience. You can indicate your availability online at the following address:
Judge Volunteer form - http://www.elon.edu/e-web/law/mootcourt/judgesvolunteerform.xhtml
If you have any questions, please respond to mootcourt@elon.edu. It would be very helpful if we could receive your response by Friday, March 22. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation. We hope to see you at the law school in a few weeks.
The Moot Court Board
Elon University School of Law
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