Friday, April 26, 2013

Celebrate Law Day on May 1

Please join other members and the general public for The Greensboro Bar Association’s celebration of Law Day on May 1

Here’s how:


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Guilford County Governmental Plaza 
  (If rain: Commissioner’s Meeting Room, Old Guilford County Court  House)


LUNCH:  “The Thirst Responder” Food Truck will be on site to provide lunch. 
Be one of the first 50 people to arrive and receive a $5 voucher from the Greensboro Bar Association
for lunch at the food truck.    See “Uncle Sam” for your copy of the Constitution and your voucher.


PRESENTATION OF COLORS.......................................................    HONOR  GUARD, Guilford County Sheriff’s Department

SINGING OF “NATIONAL ANTHEM ”.........................................................................................Ken Free, Greensboro Attorney

DISTRIBUTION OF COPIES OF US CONSTITUTION, supplied by Congressman Howard Coble
and US FLAGS, supplied by the Honorable Angela  Fox, District Court Judge  …………… UNCLE SAM, a/k/a Locke Clifford.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.................................................................Sgt. Jermey Fuller, Guilford County Sheriff’s Department

INVOCATION .................................................................Dr. Dave Melton, Senior Pastor, West Market United Methodist Church

RECOGNITION of  PRESENTERS, GUESTS and SUPPORTERS.................JIM  WEEKS, Chairman of GBA Law Day Committee

            Justice Bob Edmunds, NC Supreme Court Justice

                        Lindsey Davis, Resident Superior Court Judge, 18th Judicial District 
                        The Honorable Tom Jarrell, District Court Judge, 18th Judicial District
                         Doug Henderson, District Attorney, 18th Judicial District

                         Bill Davis, Attorney Office of Fred Lind,  Public Defender
                         Don Vaughan, former NC Senator, 27th District,
                        Jeff Thigpen, Register of Deeds of Guilford County
                        Terri Lawson, Assistant Clerk of Superior Court
                        Richard A. Craig, Staff Attorney Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc.
                        Faith Rivers James, Professor of Law, Elon Law School
            CLOSING:.........................................................The Honorable Henry Frye, former Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court
What We  Can  Do to Support the theme of LAW DAY, ‘EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW’” and
provide pro bono representation for all who cannot afford an attorney

            SINGING OF “ AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL”....................................led by Ken Free


 Copies of US Constitution...................Office of Congressman Howard Coble
 US Flags.............................................District Court Judge Angela  Fox
 Uncle Sam..........................................Locke Clifford
 Organization and Coordination.............Richard Gabriel, Greensboro Bar Association
 Sound Equipment...............................Kenny Efrid,  Greene Street Club; John Cary, CARY SOUND
 Security..............................................Guilford County Security  and  Sheriff Department
 Publicity  . . ...................................... WMFY, FOX 8; Magic 99.5; Simon, 98.7, Rhino Times and  N & R
 Resolutions........................................Guilford County and City of Greensboro
 Printing..............................................Eddie Deal, COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF GREENSBORO
 Food.................................................“The Thirst Responder” Food Truck, affiliated with the Central Carolina Food Truck Alliance
 Flowers..............................................SCRUGGS FLORIST