It is that time of year again -- time for the GBA's annual Jones Elementary School Book Project!
Each year, the GBA collects generous donations from our members to purchase books from Scholastic at a significant discount. We collect enough money to buy a book for each and every child in the traditional program at Jones Elementary School in grades K through 5. Right before the holiday break, GBA volunteers wrap each book and then hand deliver the books to the kids in their classrooms wearing Santa hats and other festive attire. The look on the children's faces is what the holidays are all about.
So . . . we are asking you to consider:
(1) making a donation to this project by writing a check made payable to the "Greensboro Bar Association Foundation";
(2) wrapping a book while attending the GBA's annual holiday party on December 19th at Elon Law School; and
(3) volunteering to distribute the books at Jones on Friday, December 20th.
Donations need to be received by December 10, 2013 and can be mailed to the GBA at Post Office Box 1825, Greensboro, NC 27402 or hand-delivered to either Chris Gumbiner or Sarah Roane at the November 21st membership dinner meeting. Please include "Jones Elementary Book Project" in the memo line of the check so we know what your donation is for. All donors, both individual and firm, will be recognized in a subsequent GBA newsletter.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and holiday spirit!
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