On Friday and Saturday, January 14 & 15, 2011, we need your help.
The Guilford Education Alliance has a program where individuals, businesses and organizations donate school supplies to a warehouse, and then Guilford County school teachers "shop" and take items back to the classroom. Teachers use this program extensively to supplement what they already have in the classroom. Law firms have unused, old, outdated etc. office supplies that are perfect for donating, such as 3-ring binders, index cards, labels, coffee mugs, old letterhead, old file folders, etc. We are asking law firms and other bar members to put their donated items in boxes for our committee to pick up on Friday, Jan. 14.
We will deliver the supplies to the warehouse in the morning of Sat. Jan. 15 and help stock the shelves with our donated items until noon. We need volunteers to work on this large project. Anyone interested in volunteering in this worthy cause, please contact Jim Bryan at Nexsen Pruet [phone 373-1600, or e-mail jbryan@nexsenpruet.com]. The link to the Teacher Supply Warehouse webpage is http://guilfordeducationalliance.org/support/teacher-warehouse.php .
Thank you for your support!