To register for the January 12, 2011 CLE titled “A la recherché du temps perdu: the Art and Science of Corporate Minutes” being offered at the Greensboro Public Library, send your check for $50 made out to the Greensboro Public Library Foundation to Michele Richardson, P. O. Box 3178 Greensboro, NC 27402. Also include your name, contact information, and North Carolina State Bar number.
The deadline to register is Friday, January 7, 2011. If anyone has any questions, email michele.richardson @ .
Below are details of the program being offered:
Prompted by recent court decisions and fueled by changing social expectations about boards and governance, best practices for drafting corporate minutes are evolving.
Increasingly, minutes of both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are expected to show that the board has complied with relevant standards of performance while also satisfying applicable statutory and regulatory requirements (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley, intermediate sanctions, Dodd-Frank). Minutes are also expected to serve as internal controls on board operations.
This CLE program offers discussions of:
- applicable law and best practices with practical examples for drafting effective minutes (enriched with insights drawn from the works of Marcel Proust),
- ethical considerations and the attorney-client privilege, and
- issues specific to non-profit boards.
CLE credit of 1.5 general credit hours and 0.5 ethics credit hours has been applied for. There is a $50 fee for those seeking CLE credit.
Speakers will include:
- GBA President Ed Winslow, who represents business and corporate clients with an emphasis in the fields of banking and financial services. His experience in the details of producing and handling minutes is drawn from his service in the roles of legal counsel, corporate secretary, director and trustee.
- Reid Phillips, general counsel for Brooks Pierce, who regularly advises members of the firm on issues involving ethics and professionalism. He is a past member of both the ABA Coordinating Council on Professionalism and the NC State Bar Ethics Committee.
- Bob Saunders of Brooks Pierce, who focuses his practice on representing tax-exempt organizations including charities, trade associations, social welfare organizations and social clubs.